RCE-Nizhny Novgorod / Нижегородский региональный центр экспертизы по устойчивому развитию (РЦЕ - Нижний Новгород)
Basic information at / Общие сведения см.: http://www.nngasu.ru/str/miepm/projekt/index.php
RCE - Nizhny Novgorod on Facebook: / РЦЕ - Нижний Новгород на Facebook:: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028739570916479
'Round table' "Area Development, Transport Infrastructure and Tourism in Russia in Comparative Prospective: The Case of Nizhny Novgorod Agglomeration's Sustainable Development", March, 23. 2021.
Collaboration scientific program “Sustainable Development for Nizhny Novgorod Agglomeration” which is promoted by NIC SENEX and “RCE – N.Novgorod” makes the next step of progress on the ground of international ‘round table’ with title «Area Development, Transport Infrastructure and Tourism in Russia in Comparative Prospective: The Case of Nizhny Novgorod Agglomeration’s Sustainable Development» on May 23, 2021 together with NIM RANEPA, NNGASU, Technical University of Cologne.
Head of the ‘round table’, Prof., Dr. Andrey Dakhin continued the line of communication with partners from Germany and Russia in the new on-line framework. Topics of the meeting are on different dimensions of sustainable development for Nizhny Novgorod agglomeration in the context of area development in Russia in comparative prospective and degrading to the role of tourism industry. Students from NIM RANEPA have presented some projects for Nizhny Novgorod tourism sector progress. Participants from Cologne have explained Germany experience of cross-sectoral infrastructural area development. In particular, Prof., Dr. Thomas Krupp (TH Cologne), Frederik Hupperts (IHK Cologne), Christopher Köhne (TH Cologne) have given the paper "Maintenance of traffic infrastructure – Intermodal coordination of construction projects", Prof. Kai Thürbach (Cologne) have presented the paper “Entrepreneurship Strategy of Cologne Universities and Sustainable Development: Selected Examples for Education, Research and Regional Development». Prof., Dr. Andrey Dakhin (NIM RANEPA, Nizhny Novgorod) have participated with the paper “Intermestic Approach, N.Novgorod Agglomeration and Russia Area sustainable development”, and Prof. Igor’ Arzhenovskiy (NNGASU, Nizhny Novgorod) – with presentation "Sustainable Development 2030: Objectives for Nizhny Novgorod Agglomeration".
RCE library.
Andrey Dakhin, Igor Arzhenovskiy. Putting Sustainability Theory into Practice in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia // Academia and Communities for Change. UNU: Tokyo. 2018. Pp. 162-171. / URL: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/view/13307480/?*=ASDxm6SqB3xkAPWTSrkBi8qEQ0F7InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2s6Ly8vZGlzay9Cb29rLiBBY2FkZW1pYV9hbmRfQ29tbXVuaXRpZXNfRklOQUxfd2ViLnBkZiIsInRpdGxlIjoiQm9vay4gQWNhZGVtaWFfYW5kX0NvbW11bml0aWVzX0ZJTkFMX3dlYi5wZGYiLCJub2lmcmFtZSI6ZmFsc2UsInVpZCI6IjEzMzA3NDgwIiwidHMiOjE2MTI0MjA4OTY1MzAsInl1IjoiNDg2NjE5MDc2MTU3NjkxNjQxMCJ9